Buffalo, NY

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Waking up on my first full day in Buffalo after eating such a fatty dinner the previous night, I decided to hit the Hyatt Regency Buffalo’s gym (you know, so I could live with myself). After cycling on a stationary bike for 40 minutes (the old man next to me was putting me to shame), I spent another 20 minutes on the free weights. Since I was hot from the workout, I decided to go on to breakfast in the rain in my light jacket, tank top and basketball shorts. It was only 38 degrees, but the entirety of Buffalo was bundled up like Eskimos. After googling breakfast spots within walking distance to the hotel, I settled on Feature. An eatery only a few blocks up on Main Street.

Egg & Cheese Bagel from Feature

I wanted a large black coffee and a simple egg and cheese sandwich. Unfortunately, I was too late as they had ran out of toast, but they substituted a sourdough bagel. Although greasy, it was simply delicious. 


NFTA-Metro Bus – Route 204

As most of my friends were on an all day Canadian wine tour, I took this time after a brief shower to take the rental car back to the Buffalo airport. The ride back to downtown was a quick hop on the Route 204 NFTA-Metro bus ($2.50 exact change) back to Pearl Street which took about 25 minutes including the wait time for the bus. Note: The 204 express bus is a cheap and easy way to get from the airport to downtown or vice versa, and it is plenty spacious to bring on your checked luggage, but it only runs limited hours (6 AM to 6 PM Monday-Friday).

Buffalo & Erie Co. Naval & Military Park

I decided to tour Buffalo on foot as I headed down to the canal side. As I walked in the drizzling cold but refreshing rain, I took in the city. Downtown Buffalo is a weird dichotomy of poor commuters and oddly wealthy eclectic shop owners. At the end of Pearl Street, I ran into the Buffalo & Erie County Naval & Military Park. 

The canal side was deserted, but this was to be expected given that it was almost November. It was nice to walk around at my leisure, but at this point the rain was starting to get heavier. I encountered several joggers which I figured are typically the only people on a week day that visit the canal side in late October.

Graffitied Garage Door

There were several obviously city commissioned graffiti arts dispersed throughout city which I absolutely loved. These were so beautifully and well done that is instilled a sense of pride in Buffalo which was apparent throughout the city (even with its homeless). They had their items in neat piles, picking up their and other people’s trash, and they were all in all trying not to be seen or messed with. I have a deeply profound respect for people who respect and love their city.

Jimmy Griffin Statue at Coca-Cola Field

Walking under the highway overpasses on my way back from the canal side, I stumbled upon the Buffalo Bisons Minor League Baseball Stadium at Coca-Cola Field. Once again, the homeless seeking shelter from the rain were very courteous. Not once was I panhandled. Not even when I stopped to take a photo outside of Coca-Cola Field of this statue of the former Buffalo Mayor, Jimmy Griffin. I must admit that although I know this is supposed to be a representation of him pitching, I loved this statue because it looks like his is staring in the classic Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly 1949 musical On the Town (maybe because I had just visited the naval yard)!

I made my way back over to and up Main Street, cut over to Pearl and decided to walk to a nearby City Wine Merchant Wine Shop in the theatre district since you can’t buy wine in convenience stores in NY. Thoroughly soaked through now, I finally decided to make my way back to the hotel resembling something like a drowned sewer rat. 

Hilarious Barber Shop Poster on Main Street

Side note: Since living in a small town in North Carolina where you drive everywhere, I forgot how much men in the city catcall women. Not being used to this and with my expected southern charm, I kept replying “hey, how ya doing?” To men who said “hey there, pretty lady, etc.” Stupid, I know, but not being catcalled in a while, I actually enjoyed the attention. There was one older man in his late 60’s/ early 70’s carrying a box out of a shop who actually won me over. He shout, “Hey miss, hey miss, you dropped something!” Naturally, I spun around to see what I had dropped. Seeing nothing, I looked back up to the man who was now about 100 feet away, and he yelled, “You dropped your smile.” I had to laugh because I was soaked to the bone with wet hair and no makeup, I am sure that I was doing anything but smiling as I previously passed the older gentleman on the street. Once I laughed, he shouted, “See, I knew you could find it!” This is the correct way to catcall a woman if you must.  I had several other not so nice encounters including one man upon my return greeting as I was walking in the opposite direction crossed the street and started to follow me saying “Hey, baby, come here. Can I talk to you for a second?”

The answer is no. “Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.” Ladies, do not reply and keeping walking picking up your pace until you are in a safe place. This is not the music video for Michael Jackson’s “The Way You Make Me Feel.” Guys, when a woman is walking away from you, it does not mean that she wants you to follow her, and do you really want to be taking Michael Jackson’s relationslip/consent advice anyway? (What… too soon?)

Wanting to just be dry, I walked into the Hotel’s Atrium Bistro for lunch and ordered a Beet Salad, Mushroom Cream Soup, and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc while I occupied my time with work emails. By the time my hair had almost dried (my clothes were still soaking wet), my belly was full, and I was somewhat warmer, the registration to the AWS Conference was open. I gathered my packet and headed up to the room to shower and get ready for Halloween. 

I forgot my mother’s lesson not to put cheap fabrics in the dryer, so my 1950’s Halloween costumer turned out a little shorter than it should have. After a day of walking around Buffalo being catcalled, I knew that I was not going to leave the hotel alone dressed as I was. My friend was kind enough to escort me to the Local Kitchen and Beer Bar where several other people from the conference were having dinner. I met a lovely group from Ohio (Jerome “Jerry”, Denise, Dennis, Linda, Chris & Kathy) who pulled up an extra chair for this unknown girl, and they welcomed me into their group with open arms. I ate the local speciality Beef on Weck ($14) which is a beef sandwich with a horseradish spread that was superb, and I shared my potato squares with my newfound friends while taking them up on their recommendation of two (2) pints of the Lakeside Loganberry brew ($13.80). I was also introduced to a New Jersey chapter of the AWS, but more info on these lovely people in the upcoming AWS Conference post.

My Halloween Costume

What a great way to spend Halloween … conversing late into the night with new friends!